The Keto Diet for Weight Loss Review

While the ketogenic diet may seem new and trendy, it’s actually been around since the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy. Nowadays, it’s touted as a remedy for everything from infertility to and with helping folks drop those stubborn extra pounds.The keto diet can certainly be effective for quick weight loss,” says a dietitian in private practice in St. Louis. “Weight loss of up to 10 pounds in just a couple of weeks is common, although some of this is water weight.”The ketogenic diet typically reduces carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day — and calls for increased protein and fat intake, according to a Roughly speaking, on keto you’ll get 70 to 80 percent of your calories from fat, about 20 percent from protein, and as little as 5 percent from carbs.


Yo-yo dieting patterns

The keto diet can also lead to yo-yo dieting, because people have difficulty staying on the restrictive diet permanently.

That can have other negative effects on the body.

There are few long-term studies on the keto diet, which may be because it’s difficult to follow, so people aren’t staying on it for a long time. keto slim shark tank

“If trying to go keto causes you to yo-yo and go off and on diets, that has impacts related to weigh fluctuations and increased mortality risk,” added Sharon Palmer, a dietitian from California. 

Other impacts

Other side effects can include bad breath, fatigue, constipation, irregular menstrual cycles, decreased bone density, and sleep issues.

Then there are other effects that are not well studied, mostly because it’s hard to track dieters on a long-term basis to find out the lasting effects of the eating plan.

“We don’t know for sure the effects on blood cholesterol, some studies show increases, others show decreases, but we don’t know over the long-term because of a lack of research,” Palmer said.